Surface Print recognises its duty to responsibly source paper, from responsible forests that are well managed, and compliant to the rules of the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®). To demonstrate compliance to the applicable standards Surface Print has established and maintained a documented ‘Chain of Custody’ management system (CoC). The CoC management system will allow the company to reliably trace FSC product back through the supply chain to the forests where it originated. Surface Print shall:
- Source timber related raw materials from known and legal sources;
- Ensure the traceability of timber related products through the implementation of a suitable management system;
The system shall cover but is not limited to:
- the examination of paper suppliers and their certification and maintenance relevant records of compliance ensuring the specification and purchasing of FSC material where required
- the examination and control of material and its documentation on receipt
- the control of FSC material from storage through to printing and finishing
- the provision of appropriate despatch and invoicing documentation and the examination of areas where this system could fail, with appropriate corrective action
- the provision of suitable training for personnel who could affect the FSC process
- the auditing of the systems to ensure that they are fit for purpose and are followed
- periodic management review of performance against the requirements of the relevant standards.
This policy will be reviewed periodically, cascaded through the business and made available to the public and other interested parties.
James Watson, Managing Director November 2018